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Its main roles are:

  • Examining and challenging the work of the government (scrutiny)
  • Debating and passing all laws (legislation)
  • Enabling the government to raise taxes
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Q: What role did the British parliament play in the lives of English citizens?
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No one lives in parliament. Parliament is a building where government business is conducted.

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The Magna Carta was one of the earliest documents that ensured that the Monarch answered to the parliament, giving the parliament the ultimate authority. It both gave the citizens more rights in their daily lives, and was an early foundation of the rule of law. It is undoubtedly the reason for the system of democratic law where the parliament is the ultimate authority, not the crown.

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Nobody lives in the Houses of Parliament.

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He is British/English ;D he lives in London and that's all im going to say :)

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Downing Street in Westminster, close to the Houses of Parliament. The Prime Minister's home is No.10, whilst the Chancellor lives in No.11.

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no, it is british. She was born in Tottenham

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Their consituentsEveryone who lives in his or her electoral district.

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World War 2 as the citizens were shelled by a lot more airplanes than World War 1 by Germany.