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Buoyancy is an upward thrust or force exerted by a fluid , that opposes an object's weight.

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Q: What is the scientific definition of a buoyant force?
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Why does buoyant force act upward?

The buoyant force on an object submerged in a fluid is caused by the pressure difference between the top and bottom of the object. To overcome the gravitational force, the buoyant force acts in the upward direction. The larger pressure at greater depth pushes upward on the object.

What is the definition for the term force?

The scientific definition of force is: the push or pull of an object.

What is the relationship between buoyant force and gravity?

buoyant force is always or equal to the force exerted by gravity. that's why an object floats.

Is the buoyant force of a metal equal to the buoyant force of a wood that has the same mass?

Buoyant force is based upon the mass of the water displaced. Therefore, two objects will have the same buoyant force if they have the some volumes.

What scientific rule states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displacement the object?

Archimedes's principle.

What is an buoyant force?

A buoyant force equals the weight of the fluid being displaced

What is the relationship of buoyant force and density of liquid?

Buoyant force is directly proportional to the density of the liquid. as the density of the liquid increases, the Buoyant force increases.

What scientific rule states that the buoyant force on an object is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the?

That's known as "Archimedes' Principle".

What are the factors of buoyant force?

The buoyant force depends on the volume of liquid displaced and the density of the liquid.

Which term describes the upward push of a fluid on an object in the fluid?

the 'buoyant' force

What happens if the buoyant force decreases?

As buoyant force decreases then the body starts sinking down.

What is the scientific definition of force?

Pressure depends on the quantity of force exerted and the area over which the force is exerted