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Constant speed is a fixed rate of displacement of an object. Constant velocity is a fixed rate of displacement in a fixed direction. That might not make sense, but let's dig in a bit and see if we can make sense of it. Consider a truck on an open freeway and a horse on a merry-go-round. If both the truck and the horse move a fixed distance per unit of time, they are moving at a constant speed. Speed is displacement per unit of time. In the case of the truck, it might be convenient to measure it in miles per hour or kilometers per hour. The horse might be moving at a speed measured in feet per second or metres per second.

Velocity is similar to speed, but it includes a directionvector. An object might be moving at a constant speed and a constant velocity, but another might be moving at a constant speed but not at a constant velocity. The only difference might be that the latter object is constantly changing direction. Recall the truck on the freeway from the above example. It might be moving at 60 miles per hour east, and that defines its speed and direction, or its velocity. The horse, however, is constantly changing direction. Its speed might be constant at, say, 6 feet per second or 2 metres per second, but it is moving in a circle and is constantly changing direction. Its velocity will, therefore, be constantly changing as well.

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13y ago
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14y ago

an object moving at a constant speed, would cover distance at the same rate if you measured the distance it moved in for example a second multiple times. Though it does not necessarily mean that it will be moving in the same direction, because speed is only a scalar quantity, it has magnitude but no direction

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15y ago

is the type of speed that does not change or stays constant

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12y ago

It means that no matter when you measure the speed,

you always get the same number.

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12y ago

i believe you are referring to terminal velocity

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12y ago

That means that the speed doesn't change.

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Why acceleration produces at constant speed?

Acceleration by definition is a change in speed, direction, or both. If the speed is constant, the direction could still be changing. You can feel a change in direction, therefore you can feel acceleration even if the speed is constant.

Is it possible for a body to have acceleration if the speed is constant?

Yes. Acceleration by definition is a change in speed, direction, or both. If the speed is constant, the direction could still be changing. You can feel a change in direction, therefore you can feel acceleration even if the speed is constant.

What is light's acceleration if its traveling at a constant speed of 300000 km s?

It has no acceleration. The definition of acceleration is the change in velocity over time, so if it is traveling at a constant speed, it has no acceleration. Also, the speed of light is a constant, which means it does not change.

Can an object acceleration if its velocity is constant?

No. It is a matter of definition. Acceleration is defined as a change of velocity. Technically, one must distinguish between velocity and speed. Velocity is a vector and includes the information about the magnitude (speed)and direction. One can have a constant speed and an acceleration (as in circular motion) but, by definition, constant velocity means zero acceleration.

When do you consider a body moving at a constant velocity?

When it's moving in a straight line at a constant speed. And it has nothing to do with my judgment or opinion. That's the definition.

What is the definition of zero acceleration?

Zero rate of change of velocity. Straight-line motion at a constant speed.

Is it possible that the velocity of a body changes and its acceleration remains constant?

The definition of acceleration is: Any change of velocity, that is, speed or direction of motion. If an object is undergoing constant acceleration, then the definition says that its velocity must be changing.

Why the speed of an object is constant while the velocity is not?

This is not always the case. But if an object moves in a circle, at constant speed, its velocity will change. Velocity is a vector - consisting of the magnitude (the speed), and a direction. So by definition, if the direction changes, the velocity changes - you have a different vector.

How do you find constant speed?

You didn't specify what data is given. In general, for constant speed, the following formula is important (just use the definition of speed): speed = distance / time; or distance = speed x time. If distance is in km and time in hours, speed will be in km/hour; if distance is in meters and time in seconds, speed will be in meters/second.

What is the different between constant velocity and constant speed?

constant velocity is when you maintain speed and direction, this usually is in a straight line, and constant speed means that your speed is always constant at all times.

Can you use average speed to calculate the speed of an object that is moving at a constant speed?

Yes. If an object is moving at a constant speed the average speed and the constant speed are the same.

Why constant is used?

Constant is the speed of light and as the speed of light cannot change it is 'constant'