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Hi: Stick up the first 2 fingers of one hand. With the other hand, move over the top of the fingers as if covering them like with a blanket or something.

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Q: What is the sign language symbol for humble?
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What is the sign language symbol for you?


What is the symbol for sign language?


What was the stock symbol for Humble Oil Co?

HUML.PK is the symbol for Humble Energy.

What does thumbs up mean in sign language?

It is the symbol/sign for the number 10

What is the sign for 'humble' using American Sign Language?

The forefinger touches the lips in a gesture meaning quiet and then moves under the other hand to indicate that one is willing to obey others. See the Related Link. It has the sign for humble in it.

What is the symbol sign language for both?

wrap hands together

Did john Lennon know sign language?

He was known to make the "peace symbol".

What do you call a symbol usually a letter that contains an equal sign?

There is no letter or symbol in the English language that contains an equal sing except the equal sign. There might be other languages that use the equal sign.

Difference between sign and symbol in language?

A sign is a unit of communication structure that consists of two parts: a signifier and something signified. A symbol is a sign that bears an arbitrary relationship to its referent (eg. a stop sign, non-onomatopoeic words)

How do you say symbol in sign language?

move your hand from the mouth to the chests in a circle kind of a way;)

What is the sign language symbol for the word joy?

Joy can be signed like 'happy' only with more emphasis.

What is history of symbol language?

the history is that cavemen our ansesters realized that deaf people need a languege not to speak to SHOW. so cavepeople had the language of sign. so later generations show that sign languege was for the deaf.