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10 feet by 10 feet

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Q: What is the size of a Texas prison cell?
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What is inside a prison cell?

A prisoner

Where would you probably not find a cell?

In a prison.

What is egg cell in a prison?

it is an egg not cracked...

What is the size of smallest cell?

The smallest cell is about 8 microns in size.

What can be compared to prison using ten organelles from the plant cell?

The nucleus is like the prison warden because the warden controls all aspects of the prison and the nucleus controls all functions of the cell, also they are both the most important. The membrane is like the door and walls because the both keep things in and out and will selectively allow entrance. The vacuole is like a prison cell because the vacuole keeps what it stores inside itself and the prison cells don't allow the prisoner to escape. The mitochondria is like a power generator because it powers necessary life functions of the cell and the power generator because it powers the entire prison. žThe cytoskeleton is like the pillars because booth support and help keep the structure of the object, in this case the cell and the prison. žThe Endoplasmic Reticulum(both smooth and rough) is like the hallways and lanes of a prison because they both help to transport things from one place (within cell or prison) to another. žThe chloroplasts are like the prison cooks because the both produce food. The chefs give food to energize the prisoners and the chloroplasts give food to energize the cell. žThe cell wall is like the outer fence because the cell wall give shape and protection to the cell, just as the outer fence does to the prison.