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Electron microscopes use a particle beam of electrons to illuminate the specimen and produce a magnified image with better than 50 pm resolution and magnifications of up to about 10,000,000 times.

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Q: What is the smallest thing that the electron microscope can see?
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What is the smallest thing you can see using a microscope?

Bacteria is the smallest thing that can be seen using a microscope.

What is the purpose and principle of the microscope?

using microscope can find out many thing. special it can see smallest thing which we can't see by eyes.

What is the smallest thing you can see under a microscope?

steven males penis

What does an electron microscope allow scientists to do that they couldn't do with a light microscope?

Things To See Closer And Deeper Into The Thing They Are Looking At.

What things are looked at through electron microscopes?

Really small things. Because there are limits to how small an object we can observe through a light microscope, we developed the electron microscope. By setting up a sample and streaming electrons at it to resolve an image, we can "see" things smaller than we'd be able to see through a light microscope.

What is the smallest thing that you know of?

a little germ or something. something u need to see with a microscope.

Which tool allows scientist to see atoms on the surface of a metal?

electron microscope

What type of microscope allows us to see cell organelles?

scanning electron microscope.

What type microscope is used to see cilia?

Electron microscope.

What type of microscope would allow the viewer to see ribosomes inside a cell?

Ribosomes are very small.So have to use an electron microscope.

What does an electroscope do?

I'm guessing you mean the electron microscope. The EM does the same thing an ordinary visible light microscope does which is allows the viewer to see very tiny things. But the EM allows the viewer to see things that are way smaller than the smallest objects the ordinary microscope can see. The electron microscope allows us to see those way smaller objects because the electro-magnetic waves that the electron microscope uses to illuminate the target object we want to view are orders of magnitude shorter than visible light waves. And a rule of physics is that whatever object we want to see can only be seen when the illuminating waves are shorter than the object's size.

What do you use a electron microscope for?

To see atoms or other extremely small things that you can not see in a light microscope. Even with an electron microscope, atoms are still barely visible.