

What is the soup called that is similar to chowder?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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I would assume that you are talking about bouillabaisse, a french soup which is more like a seaford stew.

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Q: What is the soup called that is similar to chowder?
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What is chowder?

# A thick soup containing fish or shellfish, especially clams, and vegetables, such as potatoes and onions, in a milk or tomato base. # A soup similar to this seafood dish: corn chowder # A show on Cartoon Network.

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No. A chowder is a very thick soup.

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The heaviest soup is chowder soup because if you put your spoon through it it will move slow which is most likely chowder.

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What is chowder in culinary?

Chowder is a thick soup, often with a cream base.

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What is the name of thick soup made with clams?

Clam chowder. Usually any thick soup that contains fish or shellfish is considered a chowder.

What types of soup include seafood?

There is a soup that is called clam chowder that includes clams, and potatoes. It is delicious. Another seafood soup is prawn, crab n squid in sweet corn soup.

Is clam chowder a medieval food?

yes clamb chowder is indeed a medieval soup

Soup made with seafood and vegetables?


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it means that whatever soup your country likes...that is there national soup a great chowder

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