

What is the source of all electromagnet waves?

Updated: 9/6/2021
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6y ago

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Electromagnetic waves come from accelerating electric charges, often electrons in atoms. The energy given off travels in a wave that is partly electric and partly magnetic.

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Leonora Pfannerstill

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Q: What is the source of all electromagnet waves?
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Is radio waves electromagnet waves?

Yes, they are.

What kind of waves are electromagnet waves?

They are transverse waves.

What determines where electromagnet waves fall on the electromagnet spectrum?

Frequency determines this.

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No difference at all. Radio waves are one of many types of electromagnetic waves.

What is the source of electromagnet?

An electromagnet is a type of magnet whose magnetic properties stem from electricity. The earth has a lot of electromagnet waves running through it's surface, which come from the polarization of the planet. A more simple electromagnet can be made by wrapping wire around a metal object and connecting the wire to a battery (just be careful).

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The source of all sound waves is vibration.

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fair testing

Which waves on the electromagnet spectrum are the strongest?

Gamma rays ;)

What do electromagnet waves carry?

They are waves that carry energy in the form of a vibraring electric field.