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A reflex arc begins with the stimulation of a sensory receptor such as those on the skin. The stimulus is then passed as an electrical impulse along sensory, relay and motor neurones (by-passing the brain) before reaching an effector orgen, like a muscle, which then responds to the stimulus.

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Q: A reflex arc begins with the stimulation of a what?
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What type of neuron begins a reflex arc?

A sensory receptor is the type of neuron that begins a reflex arc.

How does effector relate to reflex arc?

An effector is at the end of a reflex arc as it is the muscle or gland that 'does' the reflex. What the effector does is the outcome of the reflex arc.

How hormones function in a reflex arc?

Hormones have nothing to do in reflex arc.

What is the pathway of reflex?

reflex arc

Type of neurones along a reflex arc?

the sensory receptor begins then the Relay neuron and final the motor neuron

What are the effectors of a reflex arc?

Muscles and glands are the possible effectors of a reflex arc

Reflexes are not carried to the brain?

A reflex arc does not pass through the brain. The somatic reflex arc and autonomic reflex arc are two types.

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Reflex Arc

The neural pathway of a single reflex is called?

Reflex Arc

After touching a hot stove you immediately withdraw your hand and step back What kind of reflex arc is involved Where are the receptors located and what is their function?

This type of reflex never in fact reaches the brain. The reflex arc begins with the perception of temperature, moves to the peripheral spinal chord, and is immediately sent back into a muscular contraction to move the hand away.

Is reflex action and reflex arcs are same?

Reflexes are uncontrollable movements that happen almost instantly in response to a stimuli. A reflex arc, a neuronal circuit that controls reflexes, is where reflex activities takes place.

How may you Explain the role of sensory and motor neurones in a reflex arc.?

what is the role of sensory and motor neurones in a reflex arc