

What is the stomach useful for?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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The stomach initiates the digestion of proteins.

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The stomach breaks down food, absorbs some water begins the breakdown of protiens and completes the breakdown of starches.

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It dissolves the chew up food you eat with stomach acid

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Q: What is the stomach useful for?
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How does your stomach work with other body systems to keep your body healthy?

By digesting the food that you eat.While in the process of digesting the food the stomach takes out anything useful to your body. Then it sends the useful things to the correct systems or parts in your body.

What breaks food down after it reaches the stomach?

Enzymes break down large food molecules into more useful nutrients. In the stomach, this is carried out by the enzyme pepsin. This is a protease, so it will digest proteins into amino acids.

Why is stomach acid useful?

Stomach acid is important because it neutralizes and will kill substances that are harmful to the rest of the body. It will also break down the particles so that it can either be eliminated or excreted.

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stomach flushing should not be used routinely with poisoned patients. It is useful only if the patient has swallowed a life-threatening quantity of poison, and when the flushing can be done within 60 minutes of having swallowed the poison.

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Everyone can 'push' their stomach out far more than would be suggested just by looking at them. (It's useful to have an ability to do this for pregnancy and over-eating).

Is bacteria useful?

it can reduce the urine levels in a latrine.Used to change milk to yogurtit iis useful cause it is used to make milk cheese and rot dead plant and animal bodies. Without bacteria you could not digest your food in your stomach and intestines.

How are acids and alkalis useful?

hydroochloric acid helps ffight germs in ya stomach..and bases are usedd in toothpaste to fight tooth decay caused by acids

Can you extract nectar from dead bees?

What a strange question! No - at least not for any useful purpose, though there might well be nectar within the stomach of a dead bee.

How is cimetidine useful in treating peptic ulcers?

Cimetidine is a H-2 blocker. It is used to lower the acidity of the stomach when treating peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori

Why is neutralization uselful?

Neutralization is very useful not only in labs but also in our normal lives. A simple example is when we have acidity, our stomach acid level increases and when we have something like Eno or baking soda which actually is a strong base and neutralizes the acid in our stomach relieving us.

Chyme is created in the?

In the stomach

What is Amapachan vati of Ganga pharma?

ganga ampachan vati is a research product of ganga pharmaceuticals ltd mumbai india. it is useful in increases relieves distension and gases in stomach. ampachan vati is a useful home remedy. they are tasty digestive pills which gives instant relief.