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Justin Drew Bieber

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Q: What is the supremacy clause and why is it important to maintaining order in the US?
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What is one purpose of the supremacy clause?

The supremacy clause in the constitution that creates the order of law and the legal system for the United States. The supremacy clause is the provision in Article Six, Clause 2 of the United States constitution.

According to the Supremacy Clause what is the correct order of the ladder of laws in the US from top to bottom?

The order of the ladder of laws in the US according to the supremacy clause is: The Federal Constitution, Federal Law, Federal Treaty, State Constitution, State law, and Local Law.

How can you use white supremacy in a sentence?

White supremacy is a harmful ideology that promotes the belief in the superiority of white people over other races and ethnicities. It is important to actively challenge and dismantle white supremacy in order to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

What clause needs another clause in order to make sense?

Dependent Clause

What is meant by constitutional supremacy?

constitutional supremacy is a doctrine where by the constitution is supreme and the government rule in acoordance with the cnstitution and at the same Tim e the power of government is limited by the constitution in order to escape a type of tyrant of government, and the rule of law is prevailing. Shortened the contitutional supremacy is where the courts have the final say and can strike down laws passed by the legislative houses.

Clause that needs another clause in order to make sense is called?


A clause that needs another clause in order to make sense is called?


What is a first order heterotroph?

The first order heterotrophs are animals who feed on plants as their primary source of food. The whole cycle plays an important role in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

A clause that can stand on its own as a sentence is a It may also be called because it does not need another clause connected to it in order to be a complete sentence?

main clause; independent clause

A clause that can stand on its own as a sentence is a It may also be called an because it does not need another clause connected to it in order to be a complete sentence?

main clause; independent clause

What is a indepentdent clause?

An independent clause is a complete sentence that can stand on its own. A sentence must have a subject and a predicate in order to be considered an independent clause.

A conditional statement consist of a?

"if" clause and a "then" clause. The "if" clause states a condition that must be true in order for the statement to be true, and the "then" clause states the result or outcome if the condition is met.