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synergists: trapezius, teres major and minor, flexors, biceps brachii
antagonists: deltoid, extensors, triceps brachii

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Q: What is the prime mover the synergist and the antagonist for a pull up?
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Why does the body have three muscles for every bone?

Muscles can only pull, so for joints that need to go both ways (like your elbow, up and down) you need one muscle to flex, one to extend. These are Flexors and Extensors, or can be called the Prime Mover and Antagonist. There's a third muscle which are grouped up as the synergists, which simply helps the Prime Mover do its job. For example, Lifting your leg up would be using the following: Quadriceps as the Prime Mover, Hamstring as the Antagonist, and your glutes as the synergist. Hope that helped! ^^

What is the Antagonist for a pull up?

The antagonist muscle group for a pull up is the pectoralis major, which is primarily responsible for shoulder adduction and internal rotation. In addition, the biceps brachii serves as a synergist muscle during the movement.

Why are antagonistic muscles important?

Muscles cannot push, they can only pull which means they work in pairs in order to move, this is known as antagonistic pairs. For example with a bicep curl you have the agonist/ prime mover (Bicep) and the antagonist/ Opposing muscle group (Triceps). As the agonist contracts it pulls the antagonist which relaxes.

Is the bicep an antogonist or agonist?

the antagonsit is the tricep but im not sure what the synergist is sorry : revised : the synergist in a biceps curl would be the posterior deltoid as it flexes to stabilize the shoulder, as the secondary role of the biceps brachii in a biceps curl is to pull the elbow forward and upward in an arc towards the shoulder. if you were looking at the synergists to the biceps brachii as an agonist in its usual role, then the brachioradialis would be the synergist.

What is the prime muscle mover agonist for depression of the mandible?

.. Masseter - prime mover of jaw closure - elevates the mandible ... External intercostals - with 1st rib fixed by scalene muscles - pull ribs toward one

What is the synergist muscle in a lat pull down?

Teres major

What is the prime mover of a bicep curl?

the bicep contracts in a concentric contraction which means the muscles has shortened. remember muscles can only pull they can not push. also the bicep curl can be described as elbow flexion and when the weight is lowered is called elbow extention. hope it helps

What is the antagonist in a lat pull down?

Latissimus Dorsi

What direction do objects mover when a forcé like pull is applied?

When an object is pulled, it moves in the direction of what is pulling it.

What is the working principle of the governor?

Power is supplied to the governor from the engine's output shaft by a belt or chain connected to the lower belt wheel. The governor is connected to a throttle valve that regulates the flow of working fluid supplying the prime mover. As the speed of the prime mover increases, the central spindle of the governor rotates at a faster rate and the kinetic energy of the balls increases. This allows the two masses on lever arms to move outwards and upwards against gravity. If the motion goes far enough, this motion causes the lever arms to pull down on a thrust bearing, which moves a beam linkage, which reduces the aperture of a throttle valve. The rate of working-fluid entering the cylinder is thus reduced and the speed of the prime mover is controlled, preventing over-speeding.

What is the best place to buy lawn mover online in Australia?

You can buy lawn mover online from bargains online. They have best lawn mover for sale with soft grip handle. Their mowers come with seven height adjustments for the perfect cut. They provide the material in two variants steel and plastic with a pull start system.

What is the prime mover for push up?

The squat works many muscles in the body in some form. The primary movers are the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. Assuming you are doing them correctly with your knees out and squatting below parallel, you should be using your hip adductors as well.