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it is around 115 degrees

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Q: What is the temperature of hot ice?
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Related questions

What would happen if hot water was mixed with ice?

The hot water will get colder and the ice will melt and the water from the melted ice will get to the same temperature as the final temperature of the hot water.

What happens if you keep hot ice in your fridge for a long time?

There is no such thing as hot ice. The ice is a cold and frozen solid made out of water. Ice happens when water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius. But if the ice is hot, it will turn into water. If you touch the top of fridge it most of the time hot or at room temperature, so the water(hot ice as you said it) will remain at the same temperature as the room or hot.

Is ice water is hot or not?

Ice water is not hot: it's temperature has an effect on the nerves in your skin that gives a similar sensation as burning.

Would room temperature distilled hot distilled room temperature tap or hot tap water be clearer as an ice cube?

Hot distilled water would make for a clearer ice cube. It has less entrained gases.

Why do hot water make ice me lt?

Hot water has much heat to transfer to the ice, cooling itself down and melting the ice. Temperature difference is the driving force of this, heat always going from high to lower temperature. When both (remaining) water and (remaining) ice reach the same temperature heat exchange will stop.

Why is hot water hotter than ice water?

well this is because the temperature is very high, and on the other hand with ice water the temperature is very low. If you get an ice cube and put it in very hot water, it will melt in about a minute or two. Hope this helped! :)

Why does an ice melt faster in hot water?

The heat from the hot water is transferred to the ice, making the ice heat faster, thus causing it to return to room temperature faster, making it melt faster.

Can moles burn ice from their head?

yes because is has a very heat or hot temperature

What is the minimum temperature for storage ice cream?

well its not gone to be warm or hot weather

What are facts about hot ice?

The term "hot ice" would normally be interpreted idiomatically to mean stolen diamonds. If you mean, literally, frozen water at a high temperature, that doesn't happen. When ice is heated, it melts.

Why does dry ice melt faster in hot water than cold water?

When Ice melts, it does so using latent heat. In other words as you heat the Ice/water mixture, until all the Ice has melted the temperature of the mixture does not increase until all the Ice has gone. The energy goes into melting the Ice and this is called the latent energy. Thus if you add the same sized ice cube to same size classes of water but one of the glasses is filled with hot water, the ice in the hot water will melt faster because the heat of the water will be used for the latent heat of melting.

Does the ice cube melt faster on water or land?

The melting rate of an ice depends on the temperature of the surrounding. If the temperature is higher in the surrounding then the ice will melt at a faster rate and if the temperature is low then it will take more time to melt. The process of heat exchange is important whether it is air or water.