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Each proton has exactly one positive charge.

Each electron has exactly one negative charge.

One positive charge perfectly cancels one negative charge.

So all you need to do is add six postive charges and 14 negative charges to get your answer.

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Q: What is the total charge of 14 electrons and 6 protons?
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What is the total charge if you have 14 protons 14 neutrons and 12 electrons?

If the atom is stable and neutral, it will have 14 electrons. If it has a positive charge it will have less electrons, and if it has a negative charge it will have more electrons.

How many electrons does silicon have at no charge?

Silicon's atomic number is 14, meaning it has 14 protons. Each of these protons carries a charge of +1, thus silicon has 14 positive charges in it. So, in order for it to have no charge, it must be balanced by 14 negative charges; therefore, neutral silicon has 14 electrons.

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13 protons and 14 neutrons. The fact that its an ion doesn't change that ... only the number of electrons.

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A neutral atom will have the same number of electrons as protons. A neutral atom with 14 electrons will therefore have 14 protons, as the negative electrons balance the positive protons. In an ion (atom with a charge), the number of electrons does not match the number of electrons.

What does a neutral atom of silicone have?

Well, since the question stresses the word "neutral" it's safe to assume that the answer they're looking for is "equal numbers of protons and electrons"; or further, "14 protons and 14 electrons".An atom is neutral when the number of electrons balances the number of protons. Because the positive charge of a proton cancels out the negative charge of an electron, equal numbers cause the particle to have no net charge - neutral.

An atom of nitrogen has seven protons in its nucleus. How many electrons does it have?

Assuming that the atom has no charge, the atom will have seven electrons. If the atom is positive, you subtract the charge from the atomic number to find the number of electrons. If the atom is negative, you add the charge to the atomic number to find the number of electrons.

How is the charge of the atom or ion determined from the number of protons neutrons and electrons present?

Atoms have protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and electrons have electric charge, but neutrons do not. Protons are positively charged, and electrons are negatively charged. An atom has the same number of protons and electrons. Because the atom has same amounts of positively and negatively charged particles, the atom is neutral and has no electric charge. The only time an atom becomes electrically charged is if it loses or gains protons or electrons to throw off the balance. For example, we know that hydrogen only has 1 proton, 1 neutron, and 1 electron. This hydrogen atom has not electric charge. Later on, the hydrogen atom gains a proton. This would mean that there is more positive charge than negative charge in the atom. The hydrogen atom is now electrically charged.

How do two isotopes of an element similar?

Every element has a set number of protons. Always. Electrons are determined by the charge on the atom. If it is positive, it has fewer electrons than protons; if it is negative, it has more electrons than protons. Isotopes are atoms with different numbers of neutrons. So, neutral carbon-12 has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 12 neutrons. Likewise, neutral carbon-14 has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 14 neutrons. Carbon-12 and carbon-14 are isotopes

What is the overall charge of an ion that has 12 protons 10 electrons and 14 neutrons?

+2: 12 - 10.

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Silicon 28 (28Si) has 14 protons, neutrons and electrons.

How many electrons does Silicon-30 have?

It has: 14 electrons as well as 14 protons.