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Q: What is the total number of states needed for the Constitution to be ratified?
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How many states needed to the ratify the constitution?

nine states ratified

What Did of the constitution was needed before it was put in effect?

It needed to be ratified by 9 of 13 states.

What decisions needed to be ratified by the states?

Any changes or amendments to the Constitution need to be ratified by three-fourths of the states. Out of 50 states, this totals 38.

How many states ratifyed the constitution?

All 13 states ratified the U.S. Constitution, which was considered in effect after two-thirds of them (9) had done so.All 13 ratified the U.S. Constitution. They only needed 9.9 - apex

How do you use ratified in a senntence?

"The states ratified the Constitution."

How many states was needed to ratify the Constitution.?

The U.S. Constitution required the ratification of ten of the thirteen states to go into effect. Eventually all thirteen ratified it.

Who was the constitution ratified by?

The constitution was ratified by all the 13 states in 1790 .

How did the constitution become law of land?

The Constitution became the law of the land when the required minimum number of states ratified it.

What do you think would have happened if New York and Virginia had not ratified the U.S. constitution?

It still would have been ratified. Only 9 out of 13 states were needed.

What year was the U.S. Constitution signed by the framers?

Septemeber 17, 1987 - the proposed U.S. Constitution was signed. June 21, 1788 - Constitution ratified by New Hampshire, thus making for nine of the thirteen states needed for official ratification of the U.S. Constitution. May 29, 1790 - Constitution is ratified by all 13 states of the U.S.

How many states were needed for the constitution to be ratified?

3/5Answer:9 states were needed to ratify the new US Constitution according to Article VII of the Constitution. The number of states needed was never specified as a fraction, the way the Constitution specifies for an amendment.

How many state needed to approve the Constitution for it to take effect?

When the US Constitution was revised it would not be ratified (go into effect) unless 9 states approved it and accepted it.