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The presence of pus any place in the body usually always indicates an infection. If the pus is in the urinary tract, antibiotics are usually given. However, it depends upon the other symptoms, if any, and how many cells were in the urine sample. The only way to know the proper therapy is to be evaluated by a medical professional.

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15y ago

my urine test is normal, cbc is normal and hb is 15.7 but in stool culture pus cell found positive . i feel pain and something is pulling inside . what is the desease . what is the meaning of pus cell , sometimes white liquids mucus comes in stool . i was suffrinf from loose motinon and stool was coming like watery . doctor gave me firt ciprolex tz and now i m taking axacef 55 mg . now stool is coming in form

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Q: What treatment can be given if pus cells are found in the stool?
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its a treatment to diagnose parasitic infection. directs and/or microscopic examination of a stool sample detects the presence of parasites or their ova (eggs).

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Have an ERCP to make sure there is no blockage in your bile duct

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Stool Routine Examination--- PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Form and consistency: Loose Colour: Yellowish Mucus: Nil CHEMICAL EXAMINATION Reaction: ACIDIC Reducing: Sugar: nil MICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION PROTOZOA Vegetative form: not found Cystic form : not found HELMINTHS(Ova) : not found Vegetable cells : seen pus cells : occasional Fat droplets : not found Bacteria : present RBC : not found/HPF Undigested fat : not found

Something found in the bedroom that starts with s?

· stool

Blood in cat's stool?

The most common thing for finding blood in a cats stool is worms. Take a fresh stool sample to the vet to determine the type of worm if any to determine the appropriate treatment.

What does negative blood in stool test mean?

Negative blood in stool test means no blood was found in that particular smear from that particular stool sample. Good news.

White stool in dogs?

If there are white specks in the stool, these are tapeworms. The dog should be taken to the vet for a deworming treatment. Once the treatment is given, you will probably still see them for a couple of days, these are dead. You should examine the poo in order to check if the worms are moving. If the whole thing is white, the dog has been chewing on bones...its calcium. It's also very dry, right? Give lots and lots of water.