

What is the treatment of a popped vein?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Go to the doctor right away.

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Q: What is the treatment of a popped vein?
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How much should I expect to pay for my first laser vein treatment?

Laser vein, or spider vein, treatment ususally cost around $300-$400 per treatment.

Is it possible to get bruising from laser vein treatment?

Bruising is not a very common side effect from laser vein treatment. This is normally apain free procedure,you may have some redness in the area. It is possible to get bruising from laser vein treatment. After the treatment, bruising, redness soreness and swelling can occur in the area.

What is a good sentence with the word vein?

The veins on the elderly mans hands popped out against his pale skin.

What is vein ligation and stripping?

Vein ligation and stripping is a surgical approach to the treatment of varicose veins.

External iliac vein what is the treatment for this?

The external iliac vein is a normal part of the human anatomy. It is not a disease.

What is the difference between spider vein and varicose treatment?

Spider vein treatment typically includes medicine or topical creames. Varicose typicall include thearpy and massage.

Is there any non-surgical vein treatment to reduce the appearance of prominent veins?

Sclerotherapy is considered the gold standard for non-surgical vein treatment; it uses an injected solution to shrink veins. However, it is more effective on smaller veins. I heard of one procedure called "Sclerotherapy". This is the most used non-surgical vein treatment out there. This uses an injection directly to the vein to take care of it.

What is the process for spider vein removal?

The most common process or treatment for spider vein removal is called sclerotherapy. In this process a sclerosing agent is injected into the vein which causes it to disappear. It generally takes at least 2 visits/treatments for it to be effective. After the treatment the patient must wear compression stockings for several days. Another method is a laser treatment where a bright laser beam is directed at the vein. Again, it takes multiple visits. Sometimes the two types of treatment are combined.

What is the medical term meaning therapy used in the treatment of spider veins?

Sclerotherapy is a commonly used treatment of spider vein.

What was the cause of Qari Abdul Basit death in Egypt in 1988?

he did not breath for a very long time whilst reciting the quraan and sudenly a vein popped

What is treatment for blood blister on eye?

A doctor should prescribe treatment for a blood blister on the eye. This should never be popped or handled with dirty hands.

How does varicose vein laser treatment work?

Laser therapy is one means of treating varicose veins. The laser works to destroy and damage the vein. The laser closes the vein preventing it from spreading further.