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vampire are real know i know the truth but i cant tell why to humans

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Q: What is the truth about vampires in the book 'mysister the vampire'?
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What vampire book has a vampire named Brandon?

The Morganville vampires its the morganville vampires by rachel caine.

Are vampires antagonist?

Not all the time. In the book 'Interview with a vampire' a vampire is the protagonist and the other vampires supporting characters.

How many vampires are there in vampire mountain the book?

there are many vampires in that book. The whole mountain is a home for vampires. there are at least 10 who are mentioned and have a major part in the book.

What will The Vampire Diaries book 9 going to be about?

Gay vampires.

Is there a book based on vampire clan?

Twilight vampires have clans or covens.

Ok after discussing vampires with my daughter and reading all of this how do we know that you are really a vampire?

Who is the you that you are referring to? For in every book vampires are displayed differently and some without even involving blood. All views of vampires are different and there is no one way to be a vampire. And you never know if someone is a vampire or if vampires are real........

How can you be turned into a vampire in real life?

you can drink vampire blood or be bit by a vampire vampires do not exist except between the pages of a book, and in movies

Is it true that if you have a last name on a book and you have the same and you read the book you become half vampire?

No. There are no such things as vampires or half vampires. Having the same last name as the author of a book does not affect you.

What is the film blade about?

its about vampires it's about a half human half vampire who hates vampires, so he hunts them

Do vampires come from the dead?

Considering the fat that they are Un-Dead, yes, because for a vampire to become a vampire, they must first die. If you read any vampire book, this will happen to the vampire in question.

Does a vampire ever sleep?

Vampires do not exists, so they do not sleep as well.(first person) uh well, we do not know if vampires exist and there for we can think or believe what ever we want to. i read a book that say vampire do not want human see them so nobody saw a vampire.

Are there four or three different kinds of vampires in vampire academy and what are they?

look in the first book. it explains it all.