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Q: What is the two types of dating used to tell the age of rocks and fossils?
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How do you tell which fossils are older?

one way is to see which fossil is deeper in the ground but it only tells which fossils are older it has no givem date

Does radioactive dating tell the relative age of rocks?

No. Radioactive dating is an absolute dating tool.

Is dating real?

i think that realitive dating is dating in real life and not online... please tell me if im wrong well that is 100% wrong.....relative dating is to do with the dating of fossils.....

What is realative dating?

i think that realitive dating is dating in real life and not online... please tell me if im wrong well that is 100% wrong.....relative dating is to do with the dating of fossils.....

How do scientists date fossils and artifacts?

Dating fossils and artifacts are easy. Scientist can look and tell how old the fossils by how many layers is under it.

How can fossils be used to determine the relative ages?

They are able to tell the order in which events occured, NOT how long ago they occured.Identify the order in whicih rock units formed(:rocks makes babys with apenis

What does radiometric dating tell geologist about some rocks and minerals?

their ages

What does it tell scientists if they find marine life fossils in an area where there is not any water?

It would tell anyone that the rocks which contain the fossils were marine sediments deposited in a sea or ocean below sea level.

How are fossils important to scientist?

They tell us about past environments and may be used to date rocks on a relative time scale.

What does radiometric dating tell us about the earth's crust?

Radiometric or Radio-active decay dating involves looking at certain radio-active isotopes in the rocks of the earth, such as potassium and argon. Certain Isotopes have a half life and decay into another isotope after a certain amount of years. Geochemists use these types of dating to determine the age of rocks and how long the crust has been forming and moving.

How can you find fossils?

Here are some tips:Look for fossils wherever there are sedimentary rocks: shale, mudstone, sandstone or limestone. You can look up maps that tell you where these rocks will be in your area.Get permission if the land you want to explore isn't your ownTake a small chisel, a hammer and a shovel in case you have to dig the fossils outLook on the surface first - many fossils are just lying around on the ground - then try digging down or breaking open the rocks a little bitTake only what you speficially need - leave some fossils for the rest of the folks who want some!

Index fossils allow geologists to?

the first reason is to tell the age of the rocksecond is to compare itMatch rocks of the same age in diffrent regions