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Q: What is the typical condition necessary for fossil formation?
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Related questions

The three factors which are important in fossil formation are?

Factors that important in fossil formation include temperature and pressure. Also, the presence of the correct ingredients in important in fossil formation.

How does fossil formation relate to the formation of sedimentary rock?

you have nothing

Which conditions are worst for fossil formation?


Is carbon dioxide released by fossil fuel formation?

No, formation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.Burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide.

Is fossil fuel rewnable or nonrewnable?

Fossil fuels are non renewable.It takes millions of years for the formation of fossil fuels.That is why they are in this category.

What is in fossil fuel and released in the form of kinetic energy when burned?

The heat is produced by the formation of chemical bonds between carbon and oxygen, and between hydrogen and oxygen. So CO2 and water are the necessary products when fossil fuel is burned, without which there would be no heat.

What happened to organisms that led to the formation of fossil fuels?

they decayed

What is the best type of rock for fossil formation?

Sedimentary Rock

What are some important factors in fossil fuel formation?

temperature and pressure

What conditions in Alberta lead to the formation of fossil fules?

fick dich

Does pressure have to do anything with fossil fuels?

Yes, pressure is a factor in the formation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

Is time factor of a fossil fuel?

Yes, time is a factor in the formation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).