

What is the use of isotope of oxygen?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The isotopes are not manufactured for specific uses, they occur in nature naturally.

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Q: What is the use of isotope of oxygen?
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What do you call an oxygen atom with more than 8 neutrons?

it would be an isotope of oxygen, it is pretty uncommen to have an isotope of oxygen other than oxygen-8 but the most commen isotope after that is oxygen-9 (oxygen with 9 neutrons).

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i dont fuvkin know

How many neutron are in an oxygen?

The simple answer is 8 neutrons. But this depends on which oxygen isotope you are talking about. Oxygen-16, the most abundant oxygen isotope, has 8 neutrons.

Is oxygen-18 a common isotope?

The isotope 18O is only a minor natural isotope: 0,0201 %.

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The isotope oxygen-15 is radioactive.

How much subatomic particles does oxygen have?

Oxygen has 8 electrons and protons; the number of neutrons is specific for each isotope. Number of neutrons in an oxygen isotope = Mass number - 8

Why doesn't it matter which isotope of oxygen you breath?

they all use the same kind of chemistry in your body to keep you alive.

What describes an isotope of the commonly occuring oxygen atom which has 8 electrons 8 protons and 8 neutrons?

what is an isotope? An isotope is a different form of an element's atom that does not change the identity of the atom. I believe that the isotope would be Oxygen-16 due to the atomic mass of such an atom.

What do oxygen-17 and oxygen-18 have in common?

All oxygen atoms have 8 protons, regardless of the isotope.

How many valence electrons does oxygen-16 have?

Six, as does any other isotope of oxygen.

Are oxygen atoms different to oxygen atoms?

well, they are the same thing unless there are now a isotope