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A pipette is a laboratory tool used to transport a measured volume of liquid.

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Q: What is the use of pipette in the laboratory?
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What is the use of automatic pipette?

An automatic pipette is a piece of laboratory equipment that is used in transferring small liquid volumes. It is known to be both accurate and precise.

What is a pipette?

A pipette is used to accurately measure the volume of a liquid in the laboratory. In the school laboratory the pipette is usually a glass bulb with a glass tube on either end. There is a line on the tube to indicate how high to fill the pipette to measure the required volume.

To transfer small measured amounts of liquids in the laboratory what do scientist use?

An Eppendorf pipette is usually used.

What is the use of pipette in laboratory apparatus?

A pipette is a glass or plastic dropper; it comes in a range of sizes between ·5 μL and 50 mL. The sides can be graduated for precise and accurate introduction of fluid reagents.

What is a disposable pipette?

a laboratory tool used to transport a measured volume of liquid.

What is the most accurate laboratory apparatus used in measuring the volume of liquid?

the pipette is the most accurate

What measures exactly ml of sodium chloride?

A volume can be measured in laboratory with a graduated cylinder or a graduated pipette.

How do you measure one half of 1ml?

Use a pipette or even a micro-pipette.

How do you use the word pipette in a sentence?

One would use a pipette to transfer liquid from one container into another.

What are the uses of pipette in laboratory?

Pipettes are used to transfer a known volume of liquid from one container to another. They may also be used to mix two liquids together if the volumes are small enough (although this is not their primary purpose).

What is a pipet pump and how is it used?

A pipette pump is a modern and more complicate pipette, having a little mechanical pump; the scope is to delivery small and precise volumes of liquids. See the link below or catalogs of chemical laboratory accessories.

Can you use a micro pipette instead of WBC pipette in doing a manual WBC count?

No , you cannot use it . It will probably cause brain haemorrage and kill you .