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The valence of a monoatomic chlorine ion is 1 and its charge is -1.

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Q: What is the valence of a monoatomic chlorine ion?
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How many valence electrons are in a chlorine atom and a chloride ion?

There are 7 valence electrons in chlorine atom and 8 valence electrons in chloride ion.

A chlorine ion has a charge of 1- so what can be inferred about the ion?

It has 7 valence electrons.

How many valence electrons are in chloride?

Chlorine has 7 valence electrons. A chloride ion has 8.

How many electrons are in the outer energy level of a chloride atom?

In the question, it should be either "chlorine atom" or "chloride ion". Chlorine atom has 7 valence electrons. Chloride ion has 8 valence electrons.

What does chlorine become when it gains one valence electron?

A negatively charged "ion".

What happens when a chlorine atom gains an electron in its valence shell?

It becomes an ion.

What kind of ions do a sodium atom and a chlorine atom become when a valence electron is transferred from one to the other?

when sodium valence electron is transferred to chlorine , both atoms become ions . the sodium atom becomes a positive ion . the chlorine atom becomes a negative ion .

What kind of ions do a sodium atom and a chlorine atom become when a valence electron is transferred one to the other?

when sodium valence electron is transferred to chlorine , both atoms become ions . the sodium atom becomes a positive ion . the chlorine atom becomes a negative ion .

Is copper a monoatomic or polyatomic ion?

Copper is a monatomic ion.

Is chlorine monoatomic element?

No - chlorine exists as Cl2 and is thus diatomic.