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This is called the systole :)

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Q: What is the ventricular contraction period?
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How long is the ventricular contraction period?

0.3 Seconds

Which wave is larger the one for atrial contraction or the one for ventricular contraction?

Ventricular contraction wave is larger

How many seconds does ventricular contraction last?

The normal time of ventricular contraction depends on the heart rate. The QT segment represents the ventricular contraction on an ECG exam. The corrected QT segment is 0.45 seconds for men and 0.46 seconds for women.

Why is the ventricular wave higher?

Assuming you are talking about Electrocardiogram readings, the ventricular contraction is represented by the 'R' wave. The R wave is so much higher because the left and right ventricles are made up of the largest and strongest muscles of the heart and show the largest electrical energies on the ECG when they are contracted.

What causes fluid to flow?

The rhythmic, coordinated contraction of the atria and ventricles of the heart. In the normal healthy heart, contraction is produced in response to depolarisation of sino-atrial nodal tissue which then propagates through the ventricular tissue. Excitation is coupled to contraction via calcium ion influx and actin-myosin cross bridge activation. This produces myocyte fibre shortening and the ventricular wall thickens, a majority of which is attributable to shear deformation in the inner third of the ventricular mass. This shearing or sliding, much like a deck of cards sliding upon one another, occurs between muscle layers of the ventricles and is believed to account for the majority of wall thickening. Ventricular wall thickening forces blood out of the ventricular chambers and into the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Relaxation or diastole follows systole, this enables the heart to relax and fill with blood in order to repeat the above process.