

Best Answer

1. If you have hydrochloric acid (water solution) is the volume of the recipient.

2. For any material V=G/d. The density of hydrogen chloride (HCl) is 1,2 g/cm3. For a given mass, you can calculate the volume at standard temperature and pressure.

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11y ago

The volume of hydrocloric acid in the average human stomach is about 20 to 100ml.

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Depends on how much / what said person ate before vomiting.

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Q: How much hydrochloric acid is produced in human stomach a day?
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Acid produced in stomsch?

The acid produced in the stomach is called hydrochloric acid.

Where in the body is hydrochloric acid found?

Hydrochloric acid is found in a humans stomach. Usually it is called Gastric Acid.

Does the pancreas produce hydrochloric acid?

HCl (hydrochloric acid) is located in and produced by the stomach.

Does you're stomach contain hydrochloric acid?

Yes. The human stomach contains small amounts of hydrochloric acid.

Is the human stomach acid?

The stomach contains highly concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Hydrochloric acid is released from cells in the?

hydrochloric acid is a substance produced by the stomach; necessary for digestion of food.

What is hydrochloric acid and what function does it serve?

Hydrochloric acid is found in the human stomach and it helps to digest proteins.

How much hydrochloric acid is made in a human stomach every day?

the human stomach acid is usually 1and 2 in lumens and this mainly is of hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride and sodium chloride.

What kind of acid is secreted by the stomach?

Hydrochloric acid ( HCl) is produced in the stomach.Gastric acid my dear =) lol

What is produced by the stomach to kill bacteria?

Yes, the stomach do kill bacteria. But in the presence of Hydrochloric acid (HCl). This acid can be harmful to the human body also if mucous layer lining the internal layer of the stomach and the alimentary canal is destroyed resulting in peptic ulcer.

What is the best acid that represents a stomach?

The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid. The acid is produced by special cells called parietal or oxyntic cells. The pH of stomach acid is between 1 - 2. For more details see:

Where does stomach acid come from?

the stomach acid is made up of hydrochloric acid which kill the bacteria, gastric juices from the lining which contain digestive enzyme pepsin which breaks down the protein molecules into amino acids. the hydrochloric acid allows pepsin to act. hope this helped...