

What is the walk-thought of poptropica astroknight on?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Chapter One: In the Kingdom

Start by going to the fountain and getting the golden coin. It will be on the top part, and you will see a sparkle. Continue on the path to the castle. Go in the room with the mouse and get the piece of paper. Go into the library and walk all around it until you have found two books. They will gleam, much like the coin in the fountain did. Go to the king and queen and ask the queen the last question on the list. She will give you coordinates. Right now you should go over the things you collected. Get out of the castle and continue right. In the next place, click the man with the shovel, he will give you manure. Notice the two hay stacks. At the mill, get the rope from the water-wheel thing, then go inside the mill. Go up until you reach the goth girl. Talk to her, and she will take the secret note and give a piece of paper. Jump on the barrel behind her and keep going up until you see the rope. Pull it. Exit the mill. Jump on the water wheel and from there to the top of mill. Turn the arms counter-clockwise to open the top of the mill. Then go in the place you opened. Once inside, 'use' (when I say 'use' it means go to backpack, find item and click 'use') the manure. The hovercraft will start. Follow it outside. It will be by the water wheel. Stepping on it will take you to a crashed space ship. Instead of going on the red thing, though, we are going back to the castle. Go on the steps, and then the windows on the right. then hop up to the place with the arrow. Go to your things and click 'use' on the rope. Then, aim for the princesses tower. Once you hit the door, climb the rope and enter the tower. Go to the chest with the crown on it and get the note. Read it. Get out of the tower, and on to the town. Go to the house of Mordred and pay the man one coin, the one from the fountain. Climb up and click under his bed. You will get a page from Mordred's journal. Then click the stack of books next to the bed. Let the man give you the library slip. Exit the house. Go to the castle's library. Then read the slip. 'McM' is underlined. go to the bottom part of the library and click on McM. Go down the stairs, grab the cheese and pull the lever. Clicking the robot will make him say something in binary, which translates to 'bard'. Exit the library. Note that you will not be able to go into the dungeon again. Go to the room with the mouse and 'use' the cheese. Exit the castle, head for the town. go to fountain, open backpack and review paper labeled 'cosmic symbols', if necessary. Then click the plaque with the planets. Then do what was on the cosmic symbols paper: click moon, star, and Saturn in any order. Then click sun. Enter the hole. Talk to the boy with the brown hair. He gives you a key. Exit the place, and enter Planetarium. Use telescope to just kind of memorize where things are. Remember the hay stacks? go to that place, then push the hay stacks apart by going in between them. 'Use' key to open the pothole thing and go in. Go left, garb the journal, and wake the owl by maybe jumping from under it. Follow it outside. 'Use' mouse. If the owl eats it, it will follow you. Go back in to hole. Once you can't go any farther left, push the wall. Continue on when it falls. In the dungeon, the robot explodes. Click on the owl, mouse becomes an 'x' shape. Click Green thing that came from robot. Once you have it, exit. Go to red hovercraft you powered with manure and ride it to the spaceship. Click spaceship, drag the fuel bar to the place where it is dripping. Enter coordinates from Mordred's missing journal page. Read the actual journal if you have not already. Once the fuel bar has been dragged and coordinates entered, the ship should go. end of chapter one.

Chapter Two: In outer space

Pewter Moon:

Ouch! What a crash! Anyway, now you are on the moon. Go to the building (nice jumps!) and talk to guy outside about the Binary Bard. Then head inside and ask him last question, or all of them if you want. Exit shop. Click on the thing that says 'holopad'. Build yourself a ship! Then enter, and click 'LAUNCH'. Head for 'X 15, Y 15.' Land.

Jungle planet:

Go down to the flowers and find the laser lance. Grab it. Use the flowers to go back up. Ride all the platforms to the right. Climb the rope and step across the Phoenix Eggs. The key is to jump when the egg is OPEN, and you will land when the egg is closed. Jump to the cage that holds a unicorn, Pegasus. Open the cage, and prepare for battle! BATTLE: One quick click will kill a firefly, but you must max the laser (hold down and wait to release) to kill a torpedo or the Mother. Fly over black clouds to avoid taking damage. Once at the Mother Phoenix, max the lance and shoot before SHE shoots. Three hits should break her. She may try to come up behind you, so be careful ! Once it is defeated, set out again, this time to the fire planet: X 83, Y 20.(I think)

Fire Planet:

Go onto the lava platforms. For the last one, wait until the fifth and sixth rocks are both headed down to jump. Enter volcano. Beware, yellow stuff can take you back to the beginning. Find little nooks to protect yourself from being blown away. This can get a tad frustrating, but don't worry. After that, rocks with eyes will be in your way. Let them hit you once, then let them turn into a wheel and quickly jump over it. Go to the knight, ask him the third question, then continue on to the dragon. BATTLE: Climb up the ropes and go from one to another until behind dragon. Get to the switch and pull. Go through the dragon (it won't hurt you) and to it's head, where its mouth has opened. Shoot an arrow in. Repeat twice more. Note that spikes will fall from top and try to knock you down. Once the dragon has been destroyed, head to the last coordinates: 73, 83.

Note the black hole is at coordinates 82, 52. At ice planet, shoot all the space sharks until they are all following you. Lead them to the black hole at X-85 Y-47 and it should pull them all in. Now land on ice planet.

Chapter Three: Ice Planet and End

Ice planet:

Hop onto the ice chucks to get across. They are slippery! Robot piranhas will make you fall in the water, forcing you to start again. (The trick : jump two at a time because every second berg is a flat one!) Climb mountain and get the Force Shield from Sir Gawain. BATTLE: Tigercopter is a plane with three windows. Let snow balls bounce off your shield and onto the windows. Watch out for ice chunks! After all windows are broken, head to the 'large asteroid'. X 11, Y 31. The four Knights, Including you, have gathered. Now pull the key and enter the portal!


Yay the...Princess? Ooops.

The puzzle door is easily solved. Press each card in the second row, the two middle cards in the third row, and all four cards in the fourth row.

Now, off to battle! BATTLE: Mordred is tough, so be prepared. First, you are Merlin the Owl. Dodge the spikey thing until it goes away. Then grab one of the bombs and bring it to the top of the screen. Drop it when on top of Mordred when it blinks. Repeat once more. Mordred zaps Merlin. Now it's your turn. Use the robot as a ladder to get to the princess, and then from there jump to a chandelier. When he shoots at you, the chandelier should fall on him. Repeat with the other chandelier and Mordred is beaten.

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