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Q: What is the wavelength of the fundamental resonant frequency of a closed tube 35cm long?
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What are the two equations that can be used to determine the speed of a wave?

The equation used for measuring the speed of a wave is the frequency of the wave times one wavelength. velocity= frequency * wavelength Frequency is defined as how many many cycles occur per second. The unit of measurement used for frequency is Hertz (Hz), because Hertz is equivalent to 1/s. (s=second) The wavelength depends on the type of wave you are dealing with, whether it be an open ended wave, a closed end wave, or just a standard wave. But for calculating speed you just need to remember frequency times wavelength.

The formation of a standing wave requires?

Standing waves are formed when the reflected wave reinforces the initial wave at a resonant frequency. At other frequencies, the reflected wave tends to cancel out the initial wave. One example of a standing wave is when a guitar string is plucked. Due to the tension of the string, the length, and the mass, the string will vibrate at one frequency.

Why is sound produced when you blow across a bottle?

Bottle is just like a closed organ pipe. So stationary waves will be formed and hence sound is produced with a particular frequency

A pipe Closed at one end has a harmonic frequency of of 466.2 hz and the pipe is 1.53m. What is the speed of the wave int the pipe?

the speed of all sound waves is ~340 m/s

Describe the Doppler effect?

VROOOOOOOMMMM! The change in pitch when a car speeds by, first higher (when approaching) then lower (when receding).The Doppler effect is the term we give to the apparent change in frequency of waves (often light or sound waves) as the distance between the source and the observer changes. If either the source or the observer of a wave is moving so that the effect is that they are getting farther apart or closer together, the Doppler effect will appear. Let's look more closely.If the distance between the observer and the source of a wave is decreasing because they are closing in on each other, something happens. The wave, which is normally characterized by a given frequency and an associated wavelength, will appear to increase in frequency (and decrease in wavelength). Let's get even closer and break it down a bit to see what happens.When a wave reaches at an observer, it has a given wavelength. If there is no change in the distance between that observer and the source that wavelength remains constant. But if the distance of separation is decreasing (say if the sensor - observer - moves towards the source 8motion is relative so it does not matter which of the source or sensor moves relative to any frame of reference), as the crests and troughs of the wave arrive the observer will be (apparently) "running towards the next peak or trough" of the wave. This makes the wave appear to have a shorter wavelength. The observer is "running to intercept" the oncoming wave and the next crest or trough will "arrive sooner" because of the relative motion. This gives the effect of a change of frequency of the wave, and it makes it appear higher in frequency (with an accompanying shorter wavelength).If there is no change in distance between the source and the observer, the wave has a given wavelength. When a crest of the wave arrives at the observer's position, it takes "x" amount of time for the next crest to arrive. That's the period of the wave, or the time it takes for one complete cycle of the wave to occur. If the source and/or observer are/is moving relative to one another and the distance is closing, the "next crest" will "arrive sooner" and the period of the wave is effectively reduced. A shorter period of a wave equates to a higher frequency and a shorter wavelength. As the distance between the observer and the source opens, the opposite effect can be seen. Doppler effect isn't too tough to get a handle on if you work with it and think it through.If you've ever stood beside a roadway (or railroad track) with a vehicle (or train) coming toward you at speed, it has a given pitch (frequency). As it passes and moves away, the pitch (frequency) goes down. Simple and easy to observe. In astronomy, we note that the colors of stars in very distant galaxies are "wrong" as we observe them, but by "shifting the frequency" to increase it, they take on their "correct" colors. (*We know the "correct" colors due to the obvious pattern of spectral lines which the elements in a star have. The distant galaxies are moving away from us, and the light they emit is lower in frequency as we observe it than it would be if we were not moving apart. That light has been shifted toward the lower end of the optical spectrum, which is toward the red end. This is red shift, or the so-called redshift (one word) you hear about in astrophysics.Need a link for more information? Look below and you'll find some.When pitch rises as sound approackes then drops as the source passes by example: sirens

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If the fundamental frequency in a closed tube is 250Hz what are the frequencies of the next two harmonics?

The second harmonic will be 2 x the fundamental; the third harmonic is 3 x the fundamental: 500 Hz, and 750Hz.

What are the two equations that can be used to determine the speed of a wave?

The equation used for measuring the speed of a wave is the frequency of the wave times one wavelength. velocity= frequency * wavelength Frequency is defined as how many many cycles occur per second. The unit of measurement used for frequency is Hertz (Hz), because Hertz is equivalent to 1/s. (s=second) The wavelength depends on the type of wave you are dealing with, whether it be an open ended wave, a closed end wave, or just a standard wave. But for calculating speed you just need to remember frequency times wavelength.

In general what are the resonant lengths expressed in wavelengths of a closed air column?

In general the resonant lengths are 1/4, 3/4, 5/4

The formation of a standing wave requires?

Standing waves are formed when the reflected wave reinforces the initial wave at a resonant frequency. At other frequencies, the reflected wave tends to cancel out the initial wave. One example of a standing wave is when a guitar string is plucked. Due to the tension of the string, the length, and the mass, the string will vibrate at one frequency.

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I am not sure there are any fundamental operations of integers. The fundamental operations of arithmetic are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. However, the set of integers is not closed with respect to division: that is, the division of one integer by another does not necessarily result in an integer.

What is a cumulative frequency polygon?

By its very nature, measuring cumulative frequency on either axis of a graph will produce a continuing line on the opposite axis. Therefore, it is impossible to construct a closed frequency polygon when dealing with cumulative frequency.

How is a frequency curve in statistics different from a frequency polygon?

In order to plot the points on either the frequency polygon or curve, the mid values of the class intervals of the distribution are calculated. Then the frequencies with respect to the mid points are plotted. However in a frequency curve the points are joined by a smooth curve, where as in a frequency polygon the points are joined by straight lines. Apart from this major difference, a frequency polygon is a closed figure where as the frequency curve is not.

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While natural numbers are closed with respect to addition and mulitplication, they are missing the additive identity (zero). Furthermore, they are not closed with respect to two of the fundamental operations of arithmetic: subtraction and division.

If like attracts like and everything has a frequency couldn't we find the frequency of water duplicate it with a frequency generator and blast it into the atmosphere and generate water?

That would probably cost more in energy, let alone in startup costs, than it would be worth. Besides, there is a fundamental problem here... The Earth is a closed system. There is a certain amount of water, and it is continuously recycled. Just "throwing" water up into the atmosphere does not solve the problem. Yes, there is energy input from the Sun and the core, which can help bind and unbind water, but the bottom line is that we have what we have, and we cannot create more.

How will the air temperature in a room affect the pitch of an organ pipes?

The resonant frequency produced by each pipe depends on the speed of sound c divided by either 2 x the pipe length L (if it is open on both ends) or 4 x the pipe length L (if it is closed on one end).So f = c / (2 x L) orf = c / (4 x L)c is the speed of sound, usually at 20°C = 343 m/s.But in either case, if the speed of sound (c) changes, the frequency (f) will also change.c = λ x fλ = wavelengthHigher temperature = faster speed of sound = higher frequency.lower temperature = slower speed of sound = lower frequency.

A one-meter closed pipe produces a sound whose wavelength is how many meters?

1 meter = 1/4 labda so 4x1=4 m 4 m

What is the fundamental group of a genus g surface?

The fundamental group of a closed orientable surface of genus g is the quotient of the free group on the 2g generators a1,...,ag,b1,...,bg by the normal subgroup generated by the following product of g commutators: a1b1a1-1b1-1...agbgag-1bg-1.