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A young ventriliquist is touring bars and stops at a bar in a small town. He is doing his main blonde jokes with his little puppet until suddenly a blonde in the audience jumps upand yells, "You are giving blondes a bad name! We are not dumb because of our hair colour! We are just as intelligent as any of you brunettes or redheads! Just because of our hair colour you are singling us out and bullying us! You think you can just use us!" The man is very embarrassed and starts apoligising immediatly until the blonde shouts, "Oh, you stay out of this! I am talking to the little guy on your lap making these rude jokes!"

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Q: What is the world's best blonde joke?
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Funniest blonde joke ever?

There are none

Why are blonde jokes so short?

Blonde jokes are short because if you were to have a joke that goes on and on the person whom you are telling the joke to will lose interesteds in what you are telling him/her.

What blonde triggered the first blonde joke?

Well obviously it would be Shelby Wilder:)

What is the best blonde joke in the word?

Blonde #1- I can't seem to find the car keys! Blonde #2- Well Hurry up and find them! It's starting to rain and the car hood is down! :D xD

The worlds best yo mama joke?

yo mama is so stupid she starved to death in a grocery store

Why is the dumb blonde stereotype unfair?

The blonde stereotype is found unfair to many people because they are blonde. By telling a blonde joke, you are basically saying that all blonde people are stupid.

Hi my name is Brianna and I have the worlds best mom and dad No joke?

cool story bro needs more cucumbers

How do you make a blonde laugh on Friday?

Tell her a joke on Monday

How do you make a blonde laugh on Monday?

tell her a joke on saturday?

How do you make a blonde laugh on a Wednesday?

Tell her a joke on a Monday