

What is the worlds fastest growing flower?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What is the worlds fastest growing flower?
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What is the fastest growing flower?

Sun flower

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Myanmar is the world's fastest-growing economy, according to the IMF's latest World Economic Outlook. The country's GDP is projected to grow by 8.6% this year. At this time Papua New Guinea has taken over the ranking of the fastest growing economy. It has a GDP growth of 16 percent.

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The Incan Empire: "In the late fifteenth century, the world's fastest-growing empire was the Inca Empire of Peru." Felipe Fernandez-Armesto's The World. Learned in my college world civs class.

What are the fastest growing plants?

i think the fastest growing plants are Morning Glory and Sunflower ----- Bamboo is the fastest growing plant.