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The Zone Diet was created by Dr. Barry Sears. The diet aims to adjust one's metabolism by eating 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbohydrates. A simple way to think of this diet is, a small amount of protein at every meal, good carbohydrates such as vegetables and lentils, and unfavorable carbohydrates such as brown rice, pasta, banana, mango carrot, bagel and all fruit juices.

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Q: What is the zone diet and the kind of foods that a person would need to eat if on this diet?
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That all depends on what kind of diet one is beginning! A diet should be seen as an organized plan to achieve a very specific goal. The number and variety of goals is quite large though I will assume you are interested in losing body fat. If that is the goal, how many calories one consumes will depend on a number of factors. The age of the person would make a difference, the activity level of the person would need to be taken into account, the present nutritional health of the person would matter, the size and the body composition, e.g. the amount of fat compared to the amount of lean tissue, of the person would matter, too. If the dieter isn't careful to consider all of these things, a fat reduction diet could easily harm the person's health. One ought to seek professional help to determine what is best though a plant-based diet full of whole foods would provide satiety (a feeling of satisfaction) more readily than a typical western diet because it is possible to have a large volume of fiber rich foods with a plant-based diet.

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Some of the healthiest foods for people with kidney disease on a renal diet or ... Eating healthy foods, working with a renal dietitian and following a renal diet .... Strawberries are rich in two types of phenols: anthocyanin's and ellagitannins.

What kinds of foods should I eat on a blood type food diet for a type O person?

don't know what kind. Possible the good kind that doesn't make your blood pressure go up and you can figure out what is the big deal with writing a lot.

What kind of foods to eat for a hyperthyroidism person?

Salads veggies etc.