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A period about to happen.

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Q: What is thickened hyperechoic endometrium?
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What is hyperechoic endometrium?

Normal in a premenopausal woman.

What could borderline thickened endometrium mean in a transvaginal ultrasound if you already have your period?


What is Hyperechoic Mass in the tail of the Pancreas?

hyperechoic is a mass that has a dark appearance.

What is the meaning of atropic endometrium?

Atropic endometrium is endometrium that isn't thickening.

What is the tissue lining the uterus called?

The lining of the uterine cavity is called the "endometrium". It consists of the functional endometrium and the basal endometrium from which the former arises

What is hyperechoic pancreas?

Hyperechoic pancreas means that the pancreas has some bright regions. This is usually caused by excessive pancreatic lipomatosis and may be an indicator of a chronic disease.

What is hyperechoic mass in lower uterine segment?

boy or girl

What does trilaminar endometrium mean?

"Trilaminar emdometrium" is a term generally applied to the (ultra)sonographic pattern of the endometrium. It speaks to the "shape" of the interuterine area and, by default the echoic properties of the endometrium, which is the lining of the uterus. Let's back up. The uterine lining, the endometrium, undergoes changes throughout a woman's menstrual cycle. In cases where a woman is undergoing some sort of fertility treatment, sonography reveals something about the characteristics of the endometrium, and investigators may suspect that conditions may or may not be favorable to fertilization and conception based on what they see in the sonogram. A trilaminar endometrium is more favorable than non-trilaminar. What seems the case is that if the "general shape" of the image is a trilaminar endometrium, then the conditions for favorable outcomes in insemination attempts are improved over non-trilaminar sonography. There is not guarantee, but in the clearly non-trilaminar imaging, no pregnancies occurred in the studies.

What is echogenic endometrium?

when endometrium visualize more brighter or hyper echoic on ultra sound scan , then thats called echogenic endometrium

Where or when does endometrium happen in the female reproductive system?

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus.

What is the shedding of the endometrium?

what is the female sex hormones responsible for building the endometrium

What does endometrium heterogeneous mean?

It is an endometrium that is not uniform and is a mixture of different components and changes.