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Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima)

Tree-of-heaven (also called ailanthus, Chinese sumac, stinking sumac, stinktree, and stinkwood) is a non-native, invasive tree species from Asia. It has spread throughout this country where it is a nuisance in rural and urban communities alike. This thicket-forming species can grow up to 20 feet in a year and can attain a height of eighty feet and a diameter of three feet. It has now become a serious ecological and economic threat to our native forests and waterways and an eyesore in urban areas. It can also take over disturbed sites around oil and gas wells, in old pastures, along forest edges and fencerows, and in woods that have been heavily cut over. Ailanthus has no timber or wildlife value-it doesn't even make good firewood. This very hardy and invasive tree also produces chemicals that suppress and kill nearby native vegetation growing under and around it, resulting in tree-of-heaven thickets that become somewhat open.

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