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Well there are three ways of finding averages, which is what I assume you meant.

Finding the mean is when you add up all you values you have, then divide that total by the number of values you have.

Finding the median is when you take your values and put them in numerical order from smallest to biggest. The value in the middle is the median.

The mode is the value that appears the most out of all your values.

e.g. Values are : 5,2,3,1,4

Mean: add them all together = 15

you have 5 numbers (values) so 15/5 = 3.

Median: Values are 5,3,2,2,4

arrange your values in order- 2,2,3,4,5

3 is the middle number so 3= median

Mode: Values are 2,2,3,4,5

value which appears most = 2

2 appears twice while others only appear once.

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