

What is two other famous writings from Arthur Miller?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is two other famous writings from Arthur Miller?
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What other famous play did Arthur miller write beside Death of a salesman?

Other famous plays by Arthur Miller are: All My Sons, The Crucible and A View from the Bridge

What are two other things that Arthur Miller wrote?

One thing that Arthur Miller wrote is the famous play called, "Death of a Salesman". Another play that he wrote was, "The Crucible".

When did Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monreo get married?

YeS along with a few other people

Why didn't Marilyn Monroe and arthur miller relationship last?

Because she had affairs with other men.

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King Arthur pulled out a sword from a rock which all the other weaklings coudn't

Who said we must all love each other now in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Mary warren.

What crime was Arthur Miller convicted of?

Playwright, Arthur miller was interrogated by Senator McCarthy and the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the 1950's. While he was frank about meetings he had attended, he refused to answer questions about what other persons had attended meetings with him. The judge on the case ruled that since both questions were important to the Committee's investigation, Arthur Miller was guilty on both counts.

Did arthur miller know his step daughter Nancy Maniscalco Miracle?

Yes, certainly see Arthur Miller Society events section for their mention of Nancy's play Here I am Mother the real story of Marilyn Monroe. And several other books documenting that Nancy is indeed the only daughter of Marilyn Monroe and was around both her mother and Arthur Miller as a child.

How is the holocaust and The Crucible by Arthur Miller different?

NO they both used scapegoats to blame other people for wrong doing.

What is the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller about?

The Salem trials. The whole town goes insane by blaming each other of witchcraft.

What did Joseph McCarthy do to Arthur Miller?

Joseph McCarthy accused Arthur Miller of being a communist sympathizer and had Miller called to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1956. This experience inspired Miller to write the play "The Crucible," which criticized McCarthyism and the anti-communist hysteria of the time.

Why did John Steinbeck defend Arthur miller?

John Steinbeck defended Arthur Miller because he believed in his talent and the importance of his work as a playwright. He likely saw Miller as a fellow artist whose freedom of expression should be protected against attacks or criticism. Steinbeck may have also admired Miller's social commentary and contribution to American literature.