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That is called an aquifer.

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Q: What is water stored in underground layers of rock and soil?
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Underground water found in layers of rock and sand?


What is the underground water that fills openings in soil and cracks in layers of rock?

The underground water that fills opening in soil and cracks in layers of rocks is called ground water.

Water held underground in rock and sediment layers?

It is called an aquifer

What are underground layers of porous rock filled with water called?


The underground water that fills openings in soil and cracks in layers of rock is called?

The underground water that fills opening in soil and cracks in layers of rocks is called ground water.

What is water that is stored in layers of soil and rock beneath Earth's surface?

ground water

What is a stratified aquifer?

It is where a layer of underground water is sandwiched between layers of sediment and rock.

What is underground water found in layers of rock and sand called?

An aquifer Hope that helps!!!

How does water move through underground layers of soil and rock and how do people obtain it from an aquifer?

In the same way, water underground trickles down between particles of soil and through cracks and spaces in layers of rock. People can obtain groundwater from an aquifer by drilling a well below the water table.

What is the definition of groundwater?

the definition of groundwater is water that fills the cracks and spaces in underground soil and rock layers

Aquifers are rock layers that are what?

Aquifer are underground areas of saturated permeable rock or sediments above layers of impermeable rock that have the ability to hold/retain ground water, preventing it from percolation and infiltration, thereby serving as a form of natural water storage .

What two factors determine how easily water water can move through underground materials?

Water underground trickles down between particles of soil a through cracks and spaces in layers of rock.