

What is whales inside?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What is whales inside?
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Do whales have eggs inside of them?

Whales do have eggs inside of them. but not like birds or reptiles might. Whales are mammals and have pretty much the same kind of eggs inside them as human females.

Why don't whales lay eggs?

Whales are ovoviviparous because they are mammals, because of this their eggs develop inside of their bodies and they give birth to live young.

What type of the 2 whales called that have a comb shaped inside of the mouth?

Baleen whales, or Mysticeti. There are fifteen species, not two.

Do orca whales have testicles?

Yes, but just like their penis it is inside them.

What is the largest city in whales?

There is no capital of whales as whales are a species of mammal who inhabit the sea also wales is a country not a city kakaar

Where inside a whale is a whales heart?

This is the most stupid question i ever herd of

What are some trivias about whales?

Whales have the ability to stay long inside the water because they have big lungs. They also keep constant body temperature.

Some whales use these to collect food?

Some whales use huge baleen plates to collect their food. These plates keep the tiny krill inside the whales' mouths while letting them squeeze out excess water.


Baleen whales eat krill, zooplankton and small fish swarming in large schools. Because baleen whales have no teeth, they are believed to uses their enormous tongue to move food trapped inside the baleen, to squeeze water out of the mouth, and to assist the action of swallowing.

What animals can be found inside the ocean?

=Fish, shark's dolphins, whales,shells, starfish, and living organisms=

What part of a whale is called balleen?

Baleen whales have a baleen instead of teeth. They are like toothbrushes, bristly on the inside, and can be several feet long. Baleen whales use their baleen to eat food.

Why are whales not fish?

Whales are mammals. Whales are not fish for several reasons. They get oxygen from the air. They give milk to their babies. Inside their ear they have a construction unique for mammals. Some scientist believe that they used to live on land long time ago. The elephant is the closest family to whales.