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Catholic AnswerMortal sin: both are terrible offenses against God. a Venial sin wounds your relationship with God. It can be forgiven through a sincere act of contrition, a good and sincere act at Mass in the penitential rite, or just a sincere prayer to God asking for forgiveness for all your faults. A Mortal sin complete kills the life of God in your soul, that is why is it called mortal. One mortal sin is more than sufficient to cast you into hell for the rest of eternity and anyone dying in a state with even one mortal sin on their soul loses all hope. The *only* sacraments which can be received in a state of mortal sin are 1) BAPTISM (if you have not already been baptized), and 2) CONFESSION: the sacrament that Our Blessed Lord provided to forgive sin. To attempt to receive Holy Communion in a state of mortal sin is yet another sin, and even more serious, it is called sacrilege.
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Q: What is worse venial or mortal sin?
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What are the two kinds of sin?

mortal and venial

What is the difference between Venial sin and mortal sin?

The difference of them is that the Venial sin is not really deadly,but the mortal sin is very grave.It also not allow you to enter heaven and purgatory but the eternal condemnation in hell,while the venial sin can put you to purgatory,not straight to heaven.

What are the 2 degrees of sin?

Venial and mortal sins

Are venial sins just as serious as mortal sins?

Mortal sins are more serious than venial sins, and they have more serious consequences: With mortal sin, the life of grace is lost and the sinner is in danger of hell. With venial sin, the life of grace is weakened but not lost. Even so, venial sins should not be taken lightly, since habitual venial sins can harden one to commit mortal sin.

Is not going to church a mortal or venial sin?

Not going to mass on Sundays or holy days is considered a mortal sin in the Catholic Church.

What is the opposite of moral sin?

The opposite of moral is amoral. It means to be without morals.

What type of sin will prohibit one from receiving Holy Communion?

Mortal sin. a example of a mortal sin could be murder, suicide, and more. Any sin that involves serious matter, knowledge, and consent of the will is mortal; then there is a venial sin. it is a less serious sin. You should still go to confession for either one of them though it is not strictly necessary for the remission of venial sin.

What are venial and mortal si?

A venial sin is an offense against God, but does not take sanctifying grace from the soul. A mortal sin is a grievous offense against God and robs the soul of sanctifying grace. Thus, if a soul dies in the state of mortal sin, it is condemned to hell. For more information on venial and mortal sins read Lesson 6, in the St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism, starting on page 39.

What is a sin for Catholics?

Catholics view sin as an act that God finds offensive. Catholics believe there are two types of sin, venial and mortal. Whereas a mortal sin takes a person out of God's graces, a venial sin does not. Catholics believe that all sins can be forgiven by God; no sin is too big for God to forgive.

Who decided mortal or venial sins?

There is no distinction in the bible. Sin separates us from God.

Mortal sins Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church does not have a "list" of sins. Simply, a mortal sin is a sin that merits hell. For a sin to be considered mortal three conditions need to be met: * Mortal sin is a sin of grave matter * Mortal sin is committed with full knowledge of the sinner * Mortal sin is committed with deliberate consent of the sinner

What are the 3 types of sin?

In Catholicism, a sin may be categorized as either mortal or venial. A mortal sin is one that is grave in nature and committed knowingly and deliberately and thus in defiance of God's will. A venial sin lacks the gravity of a mortal sin, results from ignorance of God's law, or is not performed volitionally. Either type of sin may be subcategorized as an act or omission. Further, the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the garden is classified as original sin and the guilt thereof is inherited by all of humanity. Original sin, therefore, precedes the above categorizations and can be distinguished from them.