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Before continuing with comments from contributors, I wanted to add that any respiratory and/or cardiac problems are potentially quite dangerous. Depending on how long these symptoms have been with you, I'd strongly urge you to go to an ER or even call 911. If these symptoms are brand new, I'd REALLY consider the 911 option.

Comments from our contributors

  • You may have anxiety and be experiencing panic attacks. You maybe having heart palpitations - palpitations are usually harmless and everyone gets them. Normal heart rate is between 60-100 BPM.
  • The above answer is correct in most cases. I am 17 years old, and have been experiencing panic attacks (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) since I was about 9. GAD can occur in anyone at anytime. However, I do not know your history with panic attacks, so this information may not prove true to your case. My resting heart rate is between 100-120, and this can be annoying at times. This can be caused by multiple medications, and can also occur with high blood pressure. Eating salty foods in access and an increased intake of caffeine and energy drinks can contribute to an accelerated heart rate as well. I would not bother to worry now, we are young, and unless you truly cannot breathe this will not pose as a life-threatening situation. Nothing is truly wrong with you, as this is very common in our age group.
  • GO SEE A DOCTOR! a fast heart rate is dangerous because the heart cant fully fill up with blood so you may not be pumping enough blood through your system. it is called tachycardia. they say its normal and your safe but you will not know for sure until you see a doctor and get a diagnosis.
  • You're just experiencing a panic attack. Panic attacks are usually formed when the body sense danger, death or the need for increased blood flow to the body, heart rate and awareness. Now, this is normal, but, It's not normal when you're laying in bed. We call this Anxiety induced Panic attacks. Yes, it might be wise to go to the Emergency room.
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