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something about thermal energy

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Related questions

How is the thermal energy different from temperature?

Thermal energy is energy given off by a substance due to a reaction.

Can energy be released a chemical reaction?

Yes, for ex. thermal energy.

Is chemical energy potential energy?

Yes and no. Yes before the reaction, No after the reaction.There is potential chemical energy among constituent substances in an exothermic reaction - such as in Hydrogen and Oxygen. When the chemicals combine, the reaction liberates thermal energy that was stored as potential chemical energy before the reaction.During the chemical reaction, the potential energy is converted into thermal (and perhaps other forms, such as light) energy.After the chemical reaction, the thermal energy is disspiated, and the potential energy is gone.

If thermal energy must be added to a chemical reaction for the reaction to take place the reaction is a Exothermic b Reactant c Balanced d Endothermic?

If thermal energy must be added to a chemical reaction for the reaction to take place the reaction is endothermic.

What will release thermal energy?

Any exothermal reaction.

Forms of energy absorbed during chemical reaction?

For example thermal energy.

Why does thermal energy effect a chemical reaction?

Generally the reaction rate is higher at high temperature.

How do engines lose energy?

Engines lose energy via friction, thermal losses, and a reaction between the atmospheric nitrogen sapping energy in the combustion reaction

What kind of energy conversions take place in a match?

The thermal energy released when you strike a match comes from chemical energy of the substances that make up the match head. These substances go through a chemical reaction to give different new substances (products) with less energy (considered at the initial temperature), and thermal energy that flows to the surroundings (heat) at a lower temperature.

Which type of chemical reaction absorbs thermal energy?


Will the temperature in a reaction always go up?

Exo- means out Endo- means in. In an Exothermic reaction thermal energy is released (goes out) and in an Endothermic reaction Thermal energy is taken up, transferring into chemical energy (goes in). So, to answer your question, no, the temperature does not go up in both an exothermic and an endothermic reaction.

The process of burning a fuel to change chemical energy into thermal energy is called?

When a fuel is burned, it is a combustion reaction. This reaction breaks apart chemical bonds and releases the energy stored in them.