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Homeopathy holds that "like heals like" and is proven effective for most. In homeopathic remedies a particular substance used as the basis for a treatment and it is diluted with a inert substance such as water or milk sugar until there are fey few or no molecules of the basis substance left. However, something IS left that is not measurable in a laboratory. It actually works, unless the individual is absolutely convinced that it will not work.

The homeopathic name is the chemical formula written in its Latin name, so zincum aceticum 2x is zinc acetate (the zinc salt of acetic acid) diluted 1:100 with inert substance. However, the one counter intuitive thing about homeopathic remedies is that a less concentrated substance actually has a greater effect on the human body. So, the higher the x number or c number, the more dilute and powerful the remedy.

Products containing zincum aceticum 2x has been proven against cold symptoms.

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