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Ice will sometimes form on an aeroplane, especially on the wings. As a plane flies higher the air around it becomes cooler and can go below the melting point of ice - zero degrees centigrade or 32degrees Fahrentheit. Another factor is the humidity of the air - how much water vapour it contains. Higher humidity would help the formation of ice.

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Q: What keeps planes from freezing in air?
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What keeps the plane in the air?

wings and speed are the main sources that keeps planes in the air! you can find out more by google it

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Can airplane be static in air?

Theoretically, yes. The force in which balances gravity and keeps the plane in air is produced by the relative speed between the air and the plane's wings. When the air is still, the plane has to move (fast!), relative to the air. If the planes is to be static, then the air has to move: really fast. However, winds of such strengths are rather unlikely concerning passanger jets and large planes. For small (model planes, etc), it is hightly possible.

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The object would stop falling. This is what allows things to float, and what keeps planes in the air.

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Because it keeps the enzymes and bacterias out of the food