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Mallows (Mallow Bars)

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Q: What kind of candy have marshmallows in them?
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Related questions

Why were marshmallows created?

years ago a baker tried to make a new candy and that was when marshmallows were accidentally made. How cool is that!?

What candy tastes good in a chocalate bar?

Marshmallows c

What do Christmas elves eat?

They eat candy, candy corn, candy canes, syrup, cookies, and drink hot cocoa with marshmallows, whip cream, and cinnamon sticks

Are marshmallows good for a scratchy throat?

No, candy does not help any sickness. They taste good but they do not cure anything.

Foods that can be kind of mixtures?

marshmallows milk mayonnaise cheese seltzer

What kind of candy do blowfish love?

Beehive candy, candy corn

Do marshmallows grow on trees?

Yes, although it is more of a bush since it grows to only three or four feet. They are found in parts of Europe, and parts of the plant have been thought to have medicinal properties. Please refer to the Related Links below for additional information. It is not, however, where candy marshmallows come from. They are made with whipped egg whites and sugar and then baked.

Where is the fountain of Chocolate?

The buffett-style restaurant 'Golden Corral' has a Chocolate Fountain in every location. It has fruit, candy, and marshmallows to dip also.

Are marshmallows fattening?

Yes, they contain sugar. not really unless that's all you eat

How does candy rotes teeth?

what kind of candy is good for your teeth

How do you make marshmallows all crunchy and hard like the cereal kind?

They have to be freeze-dried.

What kind of candy is overweight?

How can candy be overweight? Eating loads of candy makes you overweight though.