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Q: What kind of charcter is a type fLAT CHARACTER with one exaggerated quality?
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What kind of character is one dimensional and has very few traits?

A supporting character, a peripheral character, a foil, a one-dimensional, cardboard, flat character.

Is Athena in The Odyssey a flat character?

No, Athena is not a flat character. She actually is a round character.

Is Roger a flat character or a round character in the story Thank You Maam?

Roger is a flat character and also dynamic but Mrs. Jones is a round Character.

What might be a good example of a round and a flat character?

Round character - a complicated hero; flat character - the hero's simple sidekick

What is flat in a character?

A character who doesn't change, it is the opposite of a dynamic character.

Is Romeo a round or flat character?

A Round Character

What are round or flat characters in a story?

a round character is a character in a story that changes his/her personality or actions as the story unfolds. a flat character is the opposite. (:

What is an example of an flat character?

A flat character is uncomplicated and doesn't change during the course of the story. Vizzini is a flat character in the princess bride as his character doesn't change in story. *A car salesman who tries to bully people into buying a car.

What is a well developed character called?

a plat charactor

Can a flat character be a major character?

It's not a good idea to have a flat character be a major character. You want your major characters to be well-rounded and have actual personalities instead of just being stereotypes.

A character who may be described in a sentence or two?

A character who may be described in a sentence or two is called a flat character. They are minor characters who do not need a lot of description.

Why was Alan a flat character in the green killer?

Alan was portrayed as a flat character in "The Green Killer" because he lacked depth and complexity in his personality and development throughout the story. He was depicted with few, if any, emotional or psychological changes, giving him a one-dimensional quality that made him less dynamic and interesting compared to other characters.