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Q: What kind of conjunction is in a complex sentence?
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What is compplex sentence that can be formed by combining the two shorter sentence with conjunction?

complex sentence: 1 sentence + FANBOY (conjunction) + fragment compound sentence: 1 sentence , comma + FANBOY (conjunction) + 1 sentence

Do complex sentences have to have a subordinating conjunction?

Define a complex sentence, your answer should follow

What is a subordanating conjunction?

a subordinating conjunction are words used make a complex sentence such as after,although,because, and where .

What kind of sentence has two or more subjects joined by a conjunction and that have the same verb?

What kind of sentence? A long sentence.

What kind of sentence is complex?

A complex sentence has a dependent clause and a compound-complex sentence has two independent clauses.

Is coordinating conjunction in a complex sentence?

It can be, but it doesn't have to be. They are always a part of Compound sentences, because a coordinating conjunction joins one independent clause to another.

What is the difference between complex and compound complex sentences?

Yes, there is a difference between complex and compound-complex sentences. A complex sentence is a simple sentence with a subordinant clause in front of it (also known as a fragment). A compound-complex sentence is a compound sentence with a subordinant clause in front of it. For example: Complex: As we ran onto the car, aliens attacked earth. (as is the subordinant conjunction, and "Aliens attacked Earth" is a complete sentence.) Compound-complex: As we ran onto the car, aliens attacked earth, and the military retaliated. (like te first sentence, as is still the subordinant conjunction, except I've added "The military retaliated", making it a compound-complex sentence. :D

what is a compound, complex, and simple sentence?

Compound — two main clauses joined by a conjunction. Simple — one main clause on its own. Complex — one main clause and one subordinate clause joined by a conjunction.

Kind of sentence according to form?

simple, compound, complex, compound-complex

What is a conjunction in a sentence?

A conjunction in a sentence is a joining word, such as 'and' or 'but'.

Catching fish is one of the oldest pastimes is this sentence a conjunction?

An entire sentence can't be a conjunction, and there is no conjunction in that sentence.

What are kind of sentences according to structure?

The 4 types of sentences according to structure:SIMPLE Sentence - conveys one complete idea or thought.COMPOUND Sentence - more than one thought, consisting of independent clauses, either of which could stand alone as a sentence, joined by a conjunction such as and, or, but, because.COMPLEX Sentence - has a thought expressed as one independent, with one or more dependent clauses.COMPOUND-COMPLEX Sentence - a complex sentence that also has a second independent clause.