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Some of the dinosaurs that lived in the Triassic period include: Pterosauras, Coelophysis, Plateosaurus, and Peteinosaurus. (Lol It Was 4 Ma Science Project ;] )

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Q: What kind of dinosaurs lived in the Triassic period?
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What kind of dinosaurs live in the mesozoic era?

The Mesozoic era is divided into three periods Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. During the early Triassic, corals appeared. Seed plants dominated the land, in the northern hemisphere, conifers flourished. Glossopteris was the dominant southern hemisphere tree during the Triassic period. Many new dinosaurs appeared during the Jurassic period. Giant plant eating dinosaurs dominated the Earth. carnivores such as Allosaurus and Composognathus were plentiful. Many bird-like dinosaurs also thrived during this period. The Cretaceous period saw the heyday of the dinosaurs. Many new species of dinosaurs evolved during this period. New dinosaurs such as, the deadly t-rex and the extremely large Giganotosaurus appeared for the first time as did Triceratops and many others.

What kind of dinosaurs were in California?

California was under a shallow sea during the time that dinosaurs lived. Dinosaurs lived on land, so none lived in California.

What kind of dinosaurs were there in the cretaceous period?

The T-Rex and Triceratops. The extinction of the dinosaurs marked the end of the cretaceous period.

What kind of dinosaur lived in the water?

No dinosaurs specifically lived in the water. Plesiosaurs, pliosaurs, mosasaurs and ichthyosaurs lived in the water (but are not DINOSAURS). They are reptiles but not dinosaurs. They co-inhabited the planet with dinosaurs, in the same way that the pterosaurs ruled the air. Pterosaurs were not dinosaurs either.

What kind of dinosaurs lived on the east cost?

I think t-rex

What kind of dangers are in the mesozoic era?

the dangerous storms that sometimes wreaked havoc

What is the size of a dinosaur?

There are many dinosaurs that have lived on Earth. To find out the sizes of most dinosaurs check on Wikipedia or what have you.

What kind of dinosaurs lived in Tennessee?

One particular Dinosaur called Hadrosaurs (Duck-billed dinosaur)

What kind of animals lived before the cretaceous-paleogene extinction?

Yes, some creatures lived before the dinosaurs like for one example:tortoisesturtlesThey lived long before the dinosaurs lived and still live even today.

What kind of dinosaur lived in the rainforest?

The rainforest as we know it today did not exist until after the non-avian dinosaurs died out. Birds, however, are dinosaurs, and they are abundant in the rainforest.

What kind of dinosaurs lived in Oregon?

The only known dinosaur to live in Oregon was an unknown species of Hadrosaur.

What kind of animals lived in Paleozioc?

the paleozioc was the age of dinosaurs. the first small mammals first appeared in this time