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A slave on the household had the job of taking care of the household chores like cooking, and cleaning. Another job they had was watching the plantaion owners children (if they had any), under the direction of the planter's wife.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Slaves in America during Elizabethan times were mainly used for the purpose of farming and working on sugar and tobacco plantations (This made lots of money for their owners). However, they might also be used for housework, childcare,etc.....

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13y ago
Slaves - The Working Day

Working hours

The average slave would work on the slave plantation from dawn until dusk, although they could be called upon at any time, especially during busy periods such as the harvest. Nearly all field slaves would have the weekend 'free' but they would have to use this time to catch up with their own work, such as looking after their plots of land and other domestic jobs. Domestic slaves would work more unpredictable hours, as many were based in the 'Great House' (as the plantation owner's house was often called). This meant that they more subject to the plantation owner's constant domestic demands, which did not stop at weekends.

A lifetime of hard work

Slaves were used throughout their lives for work, with only babies and young children being taken to the fields with their mothers to sleep or to be cared for by an older woman. By the age of three children were set to doing "fun" tasks such as gathering rubbish, usually under the watchful eye of an older woman, who would be too old to work in the fields.

The gang system

In the sugar plantations of the West Indies a gang system was operated. The First Gang had the most physically fit of adult male and female slaves, who were forced to carry out the hardest work. The Second Gang included slaves between twelve and eighteen years of age, the stronger older people and breastfeeding mothers or pregnant women. The work was still hard but slightly less physically demanding. The Third Gang included the very old or the very young, carrying out the most simple of tasks, but still being used to make sure that he slave owner got value from his slaves almost from the time they could walk to the time of serious physical decline.

The slave-driver

All of these gangs were supervised by a slave-driver, a more favoured and trusted slave who had to ensure that the slaves were worked as hard as possible. The slave-driver would be under a white overseer and both would both punish those who they thought were not working hard enough.

Hazards and dangers of the plantations

Each of the three main plantation types - rice, sugar and tobacco - required different ways of working and each had particular dangers for the slaves forced to work in them. In the South Carolina rice plantations, the hazards of the job included the unhealthy swamps that made up the rice fields and the poisonous snakes that lived there. The work had a different pattern to that of sugar and tobacco. The working day could be shorter as each worker had a set task to complete per day rather than work in the gang system, but the mud and the swamps made the job exhausting. Sugar cane fields were painfully hard work with dangers from the tools and the natural hazards. At harvest time the work was so hard and constant that many slaves fell ill through being overworked.

Craftsmen and artisans

Some slaves would be given better positions or more material favours if they had a talent for more skilled tasks, with some reaching a craftsman or artisan position in the plantations. These slaves would generally have slightly better living conditions and could make more money or barter by selling goods locally, thus improving their lives a little further.

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13y ago

most of them worked in the fields, gathered cotton, worked in factories, or cleaning houses.

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11y ago

harvesting,processing, administration and HR

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10y ago

A servant who follows the demands of the plantation owner whether the servant be man or woman, would do things such as cook and clean, etc.

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13y ago

They mainly planted and harvested crops and worked as servants in the owner's house, although a few had some special skills(blacksmith, carpenter, etc.) and were allowed to work at that.

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14y ago

To be like a servant to others.

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Q: What kind of jobs did slaves do on plantations?
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What were the daily jobs of slaves in America?

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They worked on plantations

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African slaves were brought to the Americas to supply labor for agriculture, mining, and other industries that required large amounts of manual work.

What kind of jobs do slaves have?

Slaves have all types of jobs depending on the society. When slavery existed in the United States, the slave trade depleted the farms of Africa. People in the United States wanted slaves who already knew how to farm. Where large plantations existed, the large plantations were self supporting units. The plantations manufactured everything they needed. The slaves learned to do everything that would be done in a small village. You may have heard of Gullah culture in South Carolina. The Gullahs were slaves. Their owners would leave them alone a large part of the year visiting the plantations when the cold weather had killed the mosquitoes. At all other times, The Gullah did all of the jobs necessary to keep a plantation running. They took care of the animals. They grew the food they needed to eat. They ran the blacksmith shop. Meanwhile, the planters went to their cottages in Newport, Rhode Island.

What did most rich southern planter do with their wealth?

C.They put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

What kind of jobs did black people get in the depression?

bad jobs like slaves

What did the majority of slaves do after the civil war?

in 1493 ignore the other answer... most slaves got jobs at factories and started families. they were free now and they didnt have to go and work on plantations

What is true about Barbados settlers in Carolina?

They brought their slaves and ideas for plantations.

How were slaves controlled on plantations?

Slaves on plantations were controlled through physical abuse, threats of punishment, and the enforcement of strict rules by overseers or plantation owners. Slaves were also subjected to forced labor, restricted movement, and denied basic rights to maintain control and prevent rebellion. Additionally, the legal system and cultural norms of the time supported the institution of slavery, further reinforcing control over slaves.

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How did the slaves get on the plantations?

Many were brought from Africa and sold at slave auctions. Others were born to slaves already on the plantations.

What statement is true about Barbados settlers in Carolina?

They brought their slaves and ideas for plantations.