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It is not a law, it is a declaration of federal authority and the dictation of the fundamental structure of the United States government. However, the structure it dictates may be considered "laws"and therefore a collection of laws, if you so choose to see it that way. The Bill of Rights, separate from the Constitution, does include laws and restrictions of rights.

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Q: What kind of law is the constitution?
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What is the surpreme law of the land?

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land in America.

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No. The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution (Article Six, Clause 2) states that the Constitution (and, by extension, federal law) are the law of last resort, and thus, that no state law (or constitution) can supercede them.

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It's when a law is in conflict with another amendment within the Constitution or another law. Or generally, a law that is wrong to have and defies the Constitution alone.

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"Ex post facto", or "after the fact" laws, and Bills of Attainder, which specifically seize the property of named persons.

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state law would be overturned it it violated the constitution

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The supreme law of Illinois is the US Constitution followed by the Illinois state constitution.