

What kind of meat does a carnivore animal eat?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Carnivore refers to any animal that almost exclusively eats other animals. In everyday language, however, it refers to an animal that almost exclusively eats land dwelling vertebrates (mammals, lizards, amphibians, or birds). Animals that mostly eat insects are a type of carnivore called an insectivore, and animals that mostly eat fish are piscivores.

P.S. Gorillas and hippopotamuses are not carnivores. They are herbivores that occasionally eat some kind of meat (for gorillas it is eat ants and termites, and hippos occasionally scavenge).

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Q: What kind of meat does a carnivore animal eat?
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If they eat their own kind, they are calledcannibals. If they eat only meat, they are called carnivores.

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An animal that eats meat is a carnivore.(Those that eat both meat and plants are called omnivores.)

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To desire meat. If you are meaning an animal craving meat the animal would want to eat meat , being a carnivore or omnivore.

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A carnivore is an animal that only eats meat.

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