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This is a thermal decomposition reaction.

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Dehydration of sulfuric acid (distillation done at high temperature)

H2SO4 --> SO3 + H2O

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Q: What kind of reaction is represented H2SO4 SO3 H2O?
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What kind of reaction is represented here h½so æ so¾ h½o?

When another reaction is meant:H2SO4 --> SO3 + H2O then this makes more sense than the non-descriptive symbols like ½, æ, ¾ in the above " H½SO æ SO¾ plus H½O "Though this reaction H2SO4 --> SO3 + H2O is possible, it is a highly unlikely (endothermic) reaction called de-hydratation of sulfuric acid.The other way around SO3 + H2O --> H2SO4 is far more favoured and very, dangerously exothermic. It might set paper in fire and SO3 'burns' your skin until carbonized.

What is reaction for Cu2O plus H2SO4?

the reaction between cupperous oxide and sulphuric acid will give you a product of copper sulphate and water which is CuSO4 and H2o. I think this is correct product obtained as far as I know and this is a important chemical reation which is frequently udes in many industrial productions.