

What kind of weather does Rome has on Christmas?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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beautiful weather

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Q: What kind of weather does Rome has on Christmas?
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Meteo ramo means means 'weather Rome'. The phrase or term 'meteo ramo' is used in Rome and the surrounding locality to refer to the weather in Rome. 'Meteo' means weather and 'Ramo' means Rome.

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How is weather in Rome in July?

sometimes its hot sometimes its cold but you dont exactly know the weather if you are not in rome so if your in peterborough for example you wont get the exactly know the weather in rome cause your not in rome at the if you were in a country near rome you would know the weather in rome. soo thank you and dont get fussed if you dont know the answer to the question. only the weather people know the weather in rome and in other cities and countries. so bye bye from me..!!

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it is cold outside like any Christmas weather and it also snows a bit.

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it was nice =)